Cyber Threat intelligence (CTI) is evidence-based knowledge, context, indicators, and behaviors about a threat to an organization.
While a Red Team can try thousands of methods to reach an objective, a Purple Team will focus on the methods, tradecraft, and TTPs that are most likely to impact the organization.
The ATT&CK Navigator is a web-based tool for annotating and exploring ATT&CK matrices. It can be used to visualize defensive coverage, red/blue team planning, the frequency of detected techniques, and more.
In this video, we will be taking a look at how to operationalize the MITRE ATT&CK Navigator for effective CTI.
🔍 What to expect:
✅ MITRE ATT&CK Navigator Fundamentals
✅ How to map adversarial TTPs on the ATT&CK Navigator
✅ Mapping APT TTPs on the ATT&CK Navigator
✅ How to map multiple adversarial TTPs on the ATT&CK Navigator to generate heatmaps
Whether you're a SOC analyst or Red Teamer or just starting in the field, this video is your gateway to operationalizing CTI with the MITRE ATT&CK Navigator. 🎓🔒
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